Look at all these wonderful places where you can learn more about the mailbox project!
The Stranger (August 30, 2017)
Evening Magazine segment (March 16 2018)
This is the piece that kicked off the media frenzy.
Reddit AMA (June 25 2018)
Link – Official USPS News Site (May 2 2018)
Stuph File (April 9 2018)
I did an interview with Peter Anthony Holder for his great Stuph File Program online radio show.
The Postcardist (March 25 2018)
Check out this interview I did on the Postcardist podcast!
ET Today (March 24 2018)
I’ve gone completely international! Check out this article from a site in Taiwan!
Atlas Obscura (March 21, 2018)
CBC radio interview (March 21, 2018)
Click that swell link for a transcript of a short interview I did with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. There’s also an audio clip on that page, should you want the full experience.