76) If I were to make a list of my Top 100 favorite songs, that list would definitely include “Lined Up” by Shriekback. So, to pay tribute to this funky tune, I’ve lined myself up with a pillar, a nice doubwide mailbox, and a couple of mailbox competitors. As you might be able to tell, you can find this line-up at Fisherman’s Terminal on W Nickerson Street.
Queen Anne, 7th Ave W at W McGraw St
60) So I’ve been staring at this picture for a while, and best I can tell that graffiti reads “BEhR”… kind of like the paint brand but with funky capitalization. Is this some new form of urban advertising designed to get the kids of today aligned with particular paint brands, knowing that one day they’ll need to repaint a kitchen and will have to throw down some sweet, sweet money? Probably not, but if you’re on Queen Anne, swing past this box on 7th Ave W at W McGraw Street and let me know what you think.
Queen Anne, W McGraw St at 3rd Ave W
27) I was rather surprised to notice that I had not yet visited the Queen Anne neighborhood for this project, so I sneaked up there this morning to rectify this omission. As you can see, I was trying to play it really cool and stay somewhat hidden… the last thing I wanted was for a mass of angry QA residents to spot me and take retribution for overlooking them for so long. This great hiding place is next to the hardware store on W McGraw Street at 3rd Ave W.