70) Bike series (4/7): I found this classic box tucked away behind some shops in the Marine Square complex, right off of Burke Ave N just north of N Northlake Way. This box has a lot of little friends stationed next to him… I can only imagine the kinds of things they all talk about!
Wallingford, Stone Ave N at N 36th St
69) Bike series (3/7): Only a couple blocks south of the last mailbox we find this fine specimen standing ready for duty right outside a bank and across the street from a mini warehouse place. You can drop off your mail in the box, your paycheck at the bank, and your box of figurines at the warehouse, all with one convenient trip to Stone Ave N at N 36th Street!
Wallingford, Stone Ave N at N 38th St
68) Bike series (2/7): You’re probably thinking “Hey, what happened to the Wallingford bike series that just started yesterday?” Don’t worry, this is still a part of it, but for some reason I took off my vest and helmet so there really isn’t any trace of biking in this shot. If you visited this unassuming mailbox on Stone Ave N at N 38th Street, I have no doubt it would vouch for the existence of my bike.
Wallingford, Whitman Ave N and N 40th St
67) Biking Series (1/7): What a treat I have in store for you! Due to the smashing success of the nine-part running series I published a couple weeks ago, I’ve decided to give you a thrilling seven-part series that chronicles a bike ride through one of Seattle’s loveliest neighborhoods, Wallingford! The first stop on our journey is at this somewhat neglected box at the intersection of Whitman Ave N and N 40th Street. I guess the box itself isn’t in too bad of shape, but the surrounding growth certainly needs a bit of trimming! You wouldn’t want a rabid raccoon jumping out and mugging you when you’re trying to mail your power bill, would you?
Green Lake, E Green Lake Way at Stroud Ave N
51) Running Series (8/9): We return to Green Lake proper with this box situated across the street at the intersection of E Green Lake Way at Stroud Ave N. There’s a chocolate shop right next to this box, and I thought about asking if they’d loan me a big tray of candies that I could roll around in for the shot. I figured it would be good exposure for them. I was talked out of even asking about it.
Green Lake, Linden Ave N at N 68th St
50): Running Series (7/9): Dropping down to the area just west of Green Lake, we find this box on Linden Ave N at N 68th Street. For reasons I don’t fully understand, I was motivated to hide behind this box until I was sure the coast was clear. Fear not, the coast cleared and the run resumed.
Phinney Ridge, Phinney Ave N at N 65th St
49) Running Series (6/9): Continuing along Phinney Ridge I eventually come to this workhorse of a box on Phinney Ave N at N 65th Street. Longtime Seattle residents will remember this as the site of the departed Mae’s CafĂ©, home of some amazing cinnamon rolls. And the Elvis booth. And the Moo Room.
Phinney Ridge, Phinney Ave N at N 63rd St
48) Running Series (5/9): This was a surprise box! Seriously, I had no idea it was there! I had my sights set on a very-visible box about two blocks ahead and practically ran right past this one on Phinney Ave N at N 63rd Street. I feel terrible for almost missing this guy. I hope other people don’t overlook him like I almost did.
Phinney Ridge, Phinney Ave N at N 60th St
47) Running Series (4/9): I’m no fool. When I see a perfectly good bench you can be damned sure I’m going to take advantage of it. Running along Phinney Ridge can be quite tiring, so how about if I just sit down for a second… maybe close my eyes just a bit… If you pass by this box at N 60th Street, please be quiet.
Phinney Ridge, Phinney Ave N at N 55th St
46) Running Series (3/9): By the time we got up to Phinney Ridge I felt the need to do a quick mid-run stretch. Well, I didn’t really have to stretch, but I wanted to do something to put a little variety in the photos. I hope you enjoy Phinney Ave N, because this box at N 55th Street is the first of four we’ll be visiting in a relatively short distance.