276) Sometime boxes that are placed on sloped surfaces are given a bit of an adjustment so they can maintain an upright, proud posture. No such consideration was given to this poor fellow; instead, he’s forced to live each day about 10 degrees off of plumb. Not only that, but the apartment above and to the right plays nothing but Norwegian death metal, and it’s started to get on his nerves.
Author: mailboxesofseattle_mewkd6
#275: North Queen Anne, W Nickerson at 6th Ave W
275) It was a chilly, gray day when I visited this box on the very northern border of Queen Anne. Ride-share bikes were strewn everywhere. Cars were noticeably absent. The box asked if it could “borrow” my Netflix password. I declined. Things grew chillier and grayer after that.
#274: International District, Maynard Ave S at S Jackson St
274) Me: “OK, for this picture I want to be sure to show me and mailbox… oh, and make sure the dragon is visible, too.”
Carol: “I got you, fam.”
#273: Belltown, Elliott Ave at Cedar St
273) It’s Fun Fact time! In the mid/late 1990s I worked for a dot-com that also employed a software engineer who, many years later, founded successful ecommerce retailer Zulily. And today, there’s a mailbox in front of their office. My life has come full circle!
#272: Ballard, NW 57th St at 15th Ave NW
272) I think I’ve found it. I think I’ve found one of the saddest mailbox in all of Seattle. Despite being in a nice neighborhood next to a nice grocery store, this mailbox knows a pain of which we humans have no equivalent. It’s been tagged and crudely painted. It has a painful rust problem. But worse of all, it has a crippled snorkel. In order for snorkels to be effective, they must be paired with proper traffic flow and restrictions. Cars must be able freely pull up so the mail can be deposited! There can be no parking in front of the snorkel! This is one of the saddest things I’ve ever seen.
#271: Capitol Hill, E Madison at 16th Ave E
271) I certainly understand why mailboxes want to cover up the graffiti that gets scribbled on them. Really, I do. But whenever I see a paint job like this, I have to think that living with the graffiti might have been better. Poor guy looks like one of those people who wears way too much foundation on their face and doesn’t feather the edges.
#270: Pioneer Square, 2nd Ave S at S King St
270) The day after Thanksgiving is a perfect day to get in some much-needed exercise! If you’re ready to do some dips, this Pioneer Square duo is ready and waiting for you!
#269: International District, 4th Ave S at S Main St
269) There’s really nothing more that needs to be said about this photo.
#268: Queen Anne, 2nd Ave N at Thomas St
268) This is a very special mailbox photo for two reasons. First, this box is right across the street from where thousands of patrons stream into the Seattle Center to head to the IMAX theater. The box just loves interacting with all the movie-goers and he gets especially excited when sci-fi films are playing as those bring out all the costumed fans. The second thing that makes this special is that this is the first of nearly 300 mailbox photos that’s blurry. I really don’t know what happened, but I assure you I feel terrible about it.
#267: Bryant, Terrace Drive NE at 40th Ave NE
267) I would love to tell you the complex and tragic life story of this mailbox — it features elephants, several gemstones, and an appearance on Rowan & Martin’s Laugh In — but I’m just too distracted by that recycling bin in the background that’s peeking between the shrubs! That is just too damned funny. The elephant story will have to wait for another time.