197) This box is on the sidewalk facing a 7-Eleven. It just endured another hot Seattle summer, watching people stream out of the store sucking on ice-cold delicious Slurpees. It wanted just one — ONE! — person to pause and pour their Slurpee down its parched mail chute. But no one did. No one did.
Seward Park, 52nd Ave S at S Morgan St
189) Most mailboxes are genuinely excited to get a visitor. Let’s face with, with fewer and fewer people stopping by to drop in some mail, the boxes are getting a bit lonely. Then there’s this guy. I have never encountered a more standoffish mailbox. Just look at how he has kept everyone away. That utility pole used to be ten feet farther to the south, but it has slowly crept away to put some distance between him and Mr. SourPants. I couldn’t even get close without picking up some really bad vibes, man.
Columbia City, S Edmonds at Rainier Ave S
114) Fun fact! I was in a couple bands years and years ago, mostly playing Ramones and Pistols covers. I think it’s highly unlikely I’ll ever be in another band, but if that does happen, I’m now ready with the required posing-against-a-brink-wall promo shot. You can tell by his attitude that the mailbox is the egotistical lead singer.
Columbia City, S Alaska St at Rainier Ave S
102) Look at this big guy! It’s one of my favorite mailbox configurations, a massive double snorkeler! So far, I’ve only ever spotted these giants at post offices, and that’s exactly where this one is living. How many letters do you think can fit in one of these? Has anyone ever tested this? Anyone want to give it a go this weekend?
Seward Park, Wilson Ave S and S Dawson St
96) There I was, trying to concentrate on getting this mailbox photo… but something kept distracting me. Calling to me. Drawing my attention away from the task at hand. Unable to concentrate. Mailbox? What mailbox? Whoa, sorry! I drifted off again! Anyway, I dare you to visit this box at the intersection of Wilson Ave S and S Dawson Street to see if you can do any better.
Othello, S Othello St at MLK Way S
26) Snail-mail artist Flatchestedmama invited me to check out this classic mailbox parked in front of a Safeway in the Othello neighborhood. Could I refuse an offer like that? Of course not! I headed down to S Othello Street at MLK Way S on a chilly Sunday morning so we could meet and exchange thoughts on various mail-related artistic expressions. Like you do.
Rainier Beach, S Roxbury and 54th Ave S
2) The journey to the Four Corners of Seattle continues to the most southeast box within the city, at S Roxbury and 54th Ave S.