#283: Queen Anne, Elliott Ave W at 2nd Ave W

283) Obviously I have a soft spot for mailboxes, but I’m more than willing to admit that some of them are a bit full of themselves. Take this guy, for example. He resides on the northwest edge of downtown, along one of the main arterials. This positioning has kind of gone to his head, as he refers to himself as “The Gatekeeper” and feels that he is somehow in a position of authority over all who enter downtown from the north. You’ll notice that I’m standing north of the box. Yeah, he didn’t let me pass.

#281: Elliott Ave at Battery St

281) Holy smokes, we’re making some serious art here, people. Just look at everything going on in this photos. The doomed Highway 99 viaduct lurks in the background, reminding us all of our eventual demise. The glass-walled builidings rise to the sky, symbolizing our dreams and aspirations. The mailbox stands front and center, tying us to those near and far through its vast network. All the while the orange cones stress caution. Then there’s me. I don’t represent anything.

#280: Ballard, NW Market St at 22nd Ave NW

280) In a stinging social commentary, this photo brilliantly captures two items that are fighting valiantly to survive in today’s world. In the foreground, we have the proud mailbox, dutifully serving the postal needs of a public that increasingly doesn’t correspond through the handwritten word. In the background, we have a record store, one of the relatively few that has managed to hang on in a world gone digital. They’re both survivors. But for how much longer?

#279: Ghost Box: Meridian, N 50th St at 1st Ave NE

279) Once again, I was too late. This time, by mere weeks. Faithful readers know that the single biggest threat to mailboxes is construction. It has been far too common of an occurrence for me to arrive at a mailbox location only to find the box gone and temporary fencing in its place. The inset photo is from Google Street View, showing what the scene looked like for many years (or even decades). But as you can see in the main photo, right now it’s just a scene of disappointment.