236) Six years ago someone gave this mailbox mushrooms, and it thinks it’s been tripping ever since. No one has bothered telling it that’s it’s actually just staring at a freaky mural.
#235: Ballard, 17th Ave NW at NW 57th St
235) There’s something real freaky going on with this box, man. A few weeks ago, I visited this location and took a photo very similar to the one you see here. But when I got home, the photo… was GONE! Poof! Vanished! Sure, I probably accidentally hit the little trash can icon while fumbling with my phone, but I prefer to believe that sinister forces were at work that day. Fortunately, however, those sinister forces apparently took the day off, so here’s a replacement shot.
#234, Capitol Hill, 15th Ave E at E Galer St
234) This mailbox is really, really tired of answering questions about Bruce Lee’s grave site. Yes, it’s only about 1000 feet away, but tourists should not assume that means this box knows everything there is to know about Bruce and Brandon and kung fu and Kato and everything else. Just let the box be, please.
#233: Beacon Hill, Beacon Ave S at S Myrtle St
233) Yes, this is yet another photo of me with a mailbox. But there’s something in this photo that is even more interesting than that box. More interesting than me. More interesting than the lovely fall leaves. It’s that sign nailed to the tree. The sign that advertises “A TERATIONS”. I honestly don’t know if the proprietor is making a great joke… or if the L just fell off.
#232 Ravenna, NE 65th St at 20th Ave NE
232) This is another one of those boxes that was really getting on my nerves. I don’t know how many times I’ve explained to the boxes that I’ll get to each and every one of them eventually, but the ones that I see frequently seem to think they’re entitled to jump the queue. Such is the case with this one. I drive past it four or five times a week, and it always gives me that gaping “Whaaaa??” look, like I’m just supposed to stop then and there and take its picture. I guess it worked, because I finally did just that.
#231: Madison Park, E Madison St at Lake Washington Blvd
231) This mailbox stands guard over a lovely not-so-secret alley that provides very limited parking for the neighboring businesses. It’s job is make sure only the worthy pass through, because there just isn’t enough room for everyone. I was happy to make the cut… I think the box was impressed with how excited I was to sit on that fine bench.
#230: Sunset Hill, Seaview Ave
230) Here we have another example of “I really can’t be bothered.” You see, I was running a bit late and had to get this shot as quickly as possible. Plus, a landscaper was working that hedge with a very menacing trimmer and I didn’t want to risk getting any appendages lopped off. So, I stayed in the care where it was safe. That doesn’t, however, explain why my finger looks so weird.
#229: Beacon Hill, Beacon Ave S at S Columbian Way
229) Sometimes I like to set up intricately staged shots, and other times I like to play it cool. This was one of those times. I discretely set up the camera in the background, slowly sauntered over to the box, and made like I was just there waiting for the bus. Oh yeah, nice and cool. The box never suspected a thing.
Georgetown, Perimeter Road at the Airport
228) We all know that you can’t fly out of town at a secondary airport if you have unfinished mailing to do. Here to answer that need is this fine box, ready to accept whatever you have (as long as it conforms to accepted USPS standards!) before you depart for places unknown.
Ravenna, Ravenna Ave NE at NE 65th St
227) It’s another Mailboxes of Seattle first! It’s another Mailboxes of Seattle first! Yes, for the first time ever, a mailbox photo features a barrel! I know you all have been waiting for this day patiently, and I’m sorry it took so long… it’s just that trying to get all of our schedules synced up to do this was no easy task. You ever try to book a barrel? It’s a lot harder than you’d think.