321) Yesterday I completely broke the internet when I posted a mailbox that was very unique in the world of mailboxes. Today I’m doing it again! See that box above? That box has the very special distinction of being the only box I’ve had to go out and photograph TWICE. Huh? You see, I first visited this box way back in April 2017, grabbing a photo of it and its lovely bus stop neighbor. But when I got home and checked the camera, the photo was gone. Gone, gone, gone. Not even in the Trash folder. I never did figure out what happened to that photo, but I knew that one day I would have to return and redo the shot. As you can see, I did in fact return to the scene, but this time I got distracted by the construction work across the street. At least the picture survived.
#315: Capitol Hill, E Denny Way at 12th Ave W
315) This is one of the most unique boxes in Seattle. What’s so special about it? Well, to the best of my knowledge, it’s the only mailbox that has been ADDED in recent years. Faithful readers will recall my many mentions of boxes that have been removed from the city landscape, but never before had I learned of one that was new to a location. This bizarre odyssey started a few months ago when Julie alerted me to a box mysteriously appearing in a spot she swore had been vacant the day before. Sure enough, my data did not include an entry for this location, meaning this was the rarest of all mailboxes… a newborn, if you will. When it came time to visit this box, I naturally had to have Julie in the shot with me. And also naturally, she donned her International Detective Woman of Mystery scarf to commemorate her investigative work.
#262: Capitol Hill, 17th Ave E at E Galer St
262) Out for a walk with my friend Melissa and her two dogs (the dogs are tiny and may be hard to spot in this photo). The sign commanded that we stop, so we did. The seats were welcoming, so we sat. The mailbox looked on. The quaint cafe provided no outdoor table service, so we left.
#260: Montlake, E Hamlin at W Park Drive
260) Believe it or not, this mailbox sits outside a legitimate yacht club… the Seattle Yacht Club, to be precise. You might expect, therefore, that this box would be rather, well, snobby. Pretentious. A jerk-face. Happily, that’s not the case at all! As it turns out, this box grew up in a very middle-class household and didn’t get the job at the yacht club until later in life. He’s very well grounded, but still enjoys looking at the boats.
#244: Madison Park, E Madison St at Broadmoor Drive E
244) Well this is embarrassing. Faithful readers will notice that this photo is out of sequence. How did we go from #255 back to #244? I have to tell you, it’s a complete mystery to me. While reviewing recent posts, I found there was a gap between #243 and #245… even though I distinctly remember writing the post for this fine box that stands across from the gated community of Broadmoor, it would appear that I somehow forgot to throw all the levers and push all the buttons needed to make it go live. So here it is, in all its tardy glory.
#245: Montlake, Boyer Ave E at 19th Ave E
245) In case you can’t tell, this mailbox is very upset. Why? Just look at the design of the building in the background… do those rounded rooftops remind you of anything? Personally, I think it’s probably just a coincidence, but the box maintains that the builders totally ripped off his design, without any credit or compensation. He says he’s planning a legal response, but that he just needs to find a lawyer that will take the case pro bono. Good luck with that.
#238: Madison Park, E Madison St at 28th Ave E
238) Look at this messy sidewalk. In most parts of the city, these few scattered leaves would hardly be noticed, but that’s not the case in Madison Park, an area that prides itself on cleanliness. You can be assured that this mailbox has already notified the proper authorities and the trees responsible for this mess have been dealt with. Severely.
#234, Capitol Hill, 15th Ave E at E Galer St
234) This mailbox is really, really tired of answering questions about Bruce Lee’s grave site. Yes, it’s only about 1000 feet away, but tourists should not assume that means this box knows everything there is to know about Bruce and Brandon and kung fu and Kato and everything else. Just let the box be, please.
#231: Madison Park, E Madison St at Lake Washington Blvd
231) This mailbox stands guard over a lovely not-so-secret alley that provides very limited parking for the neighboring businesses. It’s job is make sure only the worthy pass through, because there just isn’t enough room for everyone. I was happy to make the cut… I think the box was impressed with how excited I was to sit on that fine bench.
Capitol Hill, E Republican at 15th Ave E
187) Sometimes I can get away with just standing next to the mailbox when posing with it, but that wasn’t the case with this guy. It doesn’t really come through in this photo, but this is one of the squirreliest mailboxes I’ve ever encountered… jumping all over the place, running up the trees, that sort of thing. It took everything I had to hold it in place long enough to get the photo. Who knows where it is now.