225) This is a very defiant mailbox. Local legend says that when that very boxy, angular building went up across the street, the mailbox spun itself 90 degrees to present its classic rounded form to the new structure. This mailbox is not going to be intimidated. Not today, not tomorrow.
Magnolia, Magnolia Blvd at W Howe St
220) What a lonely box. Sure, it’s placed next to a lovely park, but it’s on the far side of the parking lot, facing away from all the loveliness. I’m so glad I was able to brighten its day just a bit with my visit.
Magnolia, 21st Ave W at W Emerson Place
211) You’ve certainly heard of tourist traps like the Oregon Vortex and other such places, where the laws of physics supposedly don’t apply (spoiler alert: they do). Well, I think this building — home of Icicle Seafoods — might qualify for such a designation. Why? Because despite being on a relatively quiet street, cars magically appeared every time my camera timer clicked down from 10. The street would be deserted. I’d set the timer and run up the stairs, counting down from 10 in my head. 4… 3… 2…1… CAR! After this happened a few times, you can probably appreciate why I threw my arms up in victory when I finally saw that I was getting a clear shot. Oh, this box? His friends call him the Icicle Box. He thinks it’s because he’s so cool, but it’s actually because his friends think he’s a drip.
Magnolia, Thorndyke Ave W at 21st Ave W
207) There are two things I want to say about this picture. This box is on Thorndyke, an absolutely evil stretch of road that is cursed by anyone in Seattle who does distance running. It goes for about a bajillion miles at just the right grade to ensure a total muscle burn. And it’s uphill both directions! The second thing I want say is that absolutely everything in this photo is crooked.
Magnolia, 26th Ave W at Gilman Ave W
203) Sometimes mailboxes are extremely bold and in your face. Other times, well… they’re shy. Take this shy guy, for example. He really didn’t want his picture taken so he tried hiding behind a pole. I thought I’d humor him by pretending I couldn’t see him.
Magnolia, 34th Ave W at W Emerson St
56) It’s a quick jaunt back over to Magnolia to capture this fine box sitting on 34th Ave W at W Emerson Street. You’ll note that it is remarkably free of graffiti, which reflects what a fine, upstanding neighborhood the citizens of Magnolia maintain. But closer inspection does reveal an unauthorized sticker on the right side… they better tend to that.
Magnolia, W. McGraw between 32nd and 33rd Ave W
6) I ventured to the upper reaches of Magnolia to meet this proud box, loyally standing guard in front of the post office. There’s a lot of pedestrian traffic around here, so I’m sure the box spends much of its time kicking back and enjoying the people-watching. On W. McGraw between 32nd and 33rd Ave W.