206) The intent of this photo was to capture the utter mayhem that is downtown Seattle. Just look at the teeming masses. Take in the sheer chaos. That mailbox isn’t a double-wide because it collects that much mail… it’s a double-wide because it needs that heavy, wide stance to protect itself from the non-stop anarchy.
Westlake, Westlake Ave N at Crockett St
205) Carol originally took this photo from a different angle. She then moved over, snapped this picture, and declared it was the better of the two because it was “more boaty.” I’ll certainly take anything that is described as “more boaty.”
Queen Anne, Nickerson St at Queen Anne Ave N
204) You know, I would have called this location “Outer Fremont”… there’s even the giant billboard adding an essence of Fremontiness to the whole scene. But according to the real estate maps, this is actually the upper boundary of Queen Anne. This probably makes this particular mailbox feel isolated and confused, but at least it can watch the happy 7-Eleven patrons come and go all day.
Magnolia, 26th Ave W at Gilman Ave W
203) Sometimes mailboxes are extremely bold and in your face. Other times, well… they’re shy. Take this shy guy, for example. He really didn’t want his picture taken so he tried hiding behind a pole. I thought I’d humor him by pretending I couldn’t see him.
Downtown, Olive St at 5th Ave
202) Some people think artificial intelligence will one day take over the world. Other people are placing their bets on cockroaches. Me… well, I don’t want to alarm anyone, but let me just show you how this humble-looking blue box has amassed a small army of green relay boxes. Good luck getting to sleep tonight.
Westlake, Westlake Ave N at Garfield St
201) It finally happened… I got photobombed! By someone actually mailing a letter! I guess the fact this didn’t happen for the first 200 photos is a biting commentary on just how infrequently the mailboxes are uses these days. In fact, three of the five boxes I was searching for along Westlake were GONE… leaving the bulk of the duties to this majestic double-wide.
200! Wallingford, NE 45th St at 4th Ave NE
200) Faithful readers will remember 100 posts ago, when I celebrated that monumental occasion by inviting a group of friends to join me in a cake-filled boxapalooza. This week has been a bit busy, so I’m having to scale back on the festivities for the big 200 celebration. There’s no crowd, there’s no cake, but there is a nice Wallingford box that looks like it recently got a new coat of doesn’t-quite-match paint. On to 300!
Downtown, Pine St at 7th Avenue
199) As we inch towards the climatic 200th mailbox posting, I thought it fitting that I take a moment to look somber and reflective. I felt neither of those while taking this photo, but that’s not the point. I would, however, like to thank this box for playing along and casting a great silhouette.
West Seattle, California Ave SW at SW Edmonds St
198) It was a relatively quiet morning when I visited this West Seattle box… until I told that box that it would be entry number 198. Then all hell broke loose. From what I understand, this box’s life is filled with near-misses and also-rans. It almost earned a ride on the space shuttle. It almost saw Jake Gyllenhaal at a Starbucks. And now, it was almost the 200th box. Tough luck, indeed.
Hillman City, S Graham St at Rainier Ave S
197) This box is on the sidewalk facing a 7-Eleven. It just endured another hot Seattle summer, watching people stream out of the store sucking on ice-cold delicious Slurpees. It wanted just one — ONE! — person to pause and pour their Slurpee down its parched mail chute. But no one did. No one did.